
Hey readers! Lately i've hanged out a lot with my friends , but me and Anna found some time to take some photos! School is boring as usual. Had a big test last week, to which i studied quite a lot, but it didn't go well (i think) :b that just sucks!
Here are the photos from today. The cross-top i made by myself , by the way! have nice week :))

get crazy and wild

 Hey bloggers! till now it's been holidays for 2 weeks, and i've had so much fun. i spent really good time with my friends, especially with Anna . We went to Germany for a shoppin' ,where i got some new stuff, including new black converse ! :> ) . Cant wait next holidays, cuz all what i've done is just chillin and enjoying time out of da school! :)
have a nice weekend!
check out my tumblr - http://isharemymind.tumblr.com/
and my twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/muminanete